Shukla Ashtami)
Ashoka Jayanti with utmost fanfare and jubilance.
Brahmins cleverly and cunningly wiped out the
significance of Emperor Ashoka from the
minds of Indian people. It was necessary for the Brahmins to wipe out the
memories of Ashoka to achieve their objective of destroying the Social System
of Humanity from India i.e. the administrative system of ‘Equality, Fraternity,
Freedom and Justice’, which is nothing but the religion of Buddhism. For the achievement of this objective they
transformed concerned dates of Ashoka to the festivals of Rama. Day of Ashoka’s
Dhamma Deeksha was converted to Rama’s Vijayadashmi and the Day of his birth
was transformed to birthday of Rama. Both the days have great significance, not
only for India but for the history of all the Nations in world. If Samrat
Ashoka would not have embraced Buddhism then the religion of Buddha would not
have been seen in world. And furthermore, it will not be an exaggeration to say
that the existence of “Equality, Fraternity, Freedom and Justice” might not
have been seen in the world.
embracement of Buddha Dhamma, Samrat Ashoka sent learned Monks to all the
corner of globe. These monks inscribed the Buddha tenets in stone in the
respective language of the countries and erected Buddha Stupas/viharas also.
The credit of spreading Buddha and his thoughts goes only and only to Samrat
Ashoka, in all the countries like Japan, China, Russia, Srilanka, Indonesia,
Arab, Africa, Europe and America.
Religion was established on the basis of doctrines of Buddha by Moses in 180 BC
in the region of Mediterranean Sea. His cemetery is found in Kashmir in India. Similarly,
Jesus born in Yahudi Religion too stayed in India as a Buddhist Lama and his
cemetery too found in Kashmir. “Old Sea Scrolls” written in Hebrew language are
Buddha discourses written by Buddhist Monks. Mohammed Paigamber, born after the
500 years of Jesus, on banks of Red Sea, established Islam based on Buddha
principles. Therefore the sequence of Panchasheels, is found as it is in the
root principles of “Ten Commandments” in both the religious books of Kuran and
Bible. Buddha’s first bust was created by Arabs, who were Buddhist only, but
are Muslims today. Africans hold a view that Buddha was African, because the
structure of Buddha’s hairs is alike to that of Africans. Today, whatever may
be the form of Christianity and Islam, but their foundation is based on Buddha
tenets, its evidences are widely available.
Symbol of
Republic of Four Lions created by Emperor Ashoka is found in many countries
like China, Japan, Russia, Australia. Villages with the name Pali are found
everywhere in India, which used to be the education centers in Ashoka’s period.
Buddhism could not have travelled out of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, if Ashoka
would not have been there. Tripitakas were burned by Brahmins in India, but
they returned in India from Sri Lanka. Its credit also goes to Ashoka. If he
would not have inscribed on the stones, then the Britishers would not have
written books on Buddhism in India and perhaps Babasahab also would not have
got the information of Buddha Dhamma and its history and the discourses. It is
a matter of grief and shame that birth anniversary of such a grand person is
not celebrated in India. Asoka Jayanti was celebrated in China in 2011, which
was witnessed by presence of India’s then Foreign Minister S M Krishna. The
date was 12th April on that day. From that day some people of
Maharashtra had started to celebrate Ashoka Jayanti on 12th April
every year. But in Varanasi, Samrat Ashoka Maurya Sangh is celebrating Ashoka
Jayanti from last 10-15 years on the day of Ram Navmi only.
there has to be a constitutional objective for celebrating Ashoka Jayanti. It
is pertinent to pull out each and every citizen of India from the ambit of
stories of mythical Kings and acquaint them of the doctrines of Equality,
Fraternity, Freedom and Justice. Buddha tenets are not the property of
Buddhists only. Every living being has right on it. Acknowledging this fact,
Buddhists must make aware the whole world about Ashoka.
identity was “Prabuddha Bharat” till 12th century. India’s Hindu citizen
are needed to be made aware of the fact that it was the dream of ‘Swami
Vivekanand’ too, to revive this country as ‘Prabuddha Bharat’. He had started
this mission in 1892 from the Buddhist University of Kanheri Caves situate in
Mumbai, which is known as the India’s Economic Capital. He was disciple of
Angarika Dhammapala and had taken Dhamma Deeksha.
We must
realize that the Economic progress, construction of Bridges and Buildings and
development of technology is directly related to the principles of Buddhism of
any country. In the period of Ashoka there was a society which devoid of any casteism,
but was full of the principles of moral values. Social Development rate was
92%, which is known as Human Development Index. Also there was an investment of
65% in other countries of World. Social and Economic disparity was near to none
and Ancient India’s Empire was a Global Megapower. Brahmins connoted Ashoka’s
this empire of 'Golden Era' as ‘Ram Rajya’ (Rule of Rama).
used to organize a festival in Patliputra, the Capital of undivided India on
the day of “Chaitra Shukla Ashtami” to remember the works of Ashoka for his
ideals of Humanity and Nation development. Fahiyan had witnessed this festival
when he was come to India. Samrat Ashoka had inscribed the messages of Buddha of
Equality, Fraternity, Freedom and Justice in the forms of 84000 stupas from
America to Japan, England to Africa, at all the places, and thus he becomes the
World’s first architect of Constitution. England prepared its constitution
named as Magna Carta (Great Constituion) in 1215 on the basis of these messages
spread all over world, United Nations of America developed its constitution in
1787 and the world’s largest constitution developed in India in 1949. The
tenets of Buddha’s message of “Equality, Fraternity, Freedom and Justice” are
prominently mentioned in all these constitutions. Nonetheless, the UNO, which
is formed for maintaining peace and deliverance of Justice by the world
countries of 198 out of 295, has mentioned the fundamental Human Values of
Buddha in its preamble of “United Declaration of Human Rights” which is
accepted and published by it on 10th December, 1918. The credit of
this goes to Samrat Ashoka. Therefore, it is duty of all the human beings on
this Globe, to celebrate the birth anniversary of such Emperor, the Great
Ashoka to pay homage to his valuable work.
Jayanti shall be celebrated on the Tithi day of “Chaitra Shukla Ashtami” only,
alike celebration of Buddha Jayanti on a Tithi. Some people object to this for
celebration as per the Tithis, quoting it as gift of Brahmins. In this regard,
we must realize that Tithi and Astronomy is not the ownership of Brahmins or
Vaidiks. But it was developed by the learned Monks, for which, it is felt that
the help might have been rendered from the Astronomers of Mistra and Egypt. Calendar
of India, which is known as Hindu calendar, is not a Hindu calendar but
basically is a Buddhist calendar. Proof of this fact is given by me in the
article on Mahashivratri ( This
may be compared to fact that alike the Brahmins could not wipe out the mention
of “Ashoka Vijayadashmi” from hindu calendar, in the same way we find mention
of "Ashoka Ashtami" there. Customs of Hindu religion are nothing but
the distorted Buddha religion only. India's Tithi calendar is based on the
Lunar movement or Lunar Crescents. And it is found that it is precise.
Today's English Calendar was prepared by Saint Gregory in
1582, which was imitated from the Julian Calendar (in the name of Julius Ceazer
of 45 BC). This Gregorian Calendar is followed in the countries where
Britishers went. But surprisingly, still most of the ancient calenders are based on
time-reckoning and lunar movement, e.g. calenders of Bebolian, Korean, Asyrian,
Chinese, Mingau, Japanese (Ancient Han Calender) Benzitin, Jew (Hebrew
Calendar) etc. Even if the many countries are following the Gregorian calendar in
their day to day Governmental Work as they were ruled by Britishers, but all most all countries are still following
the ancient calendars based on lunar Crescent in the day to day life.
are successful in igniting the fight among the Hidnus and Buddhists in India
very cleverly. They had made the Indians to forget the fact that Hindu, Muslim,
Sikhs, Christians were aboriginally Buddhist only. Not only this but they intruded
into these religions and seized the positions of Priests. Therefore we must acknowledge
this truth and remove the assumption completely from our mind that 'Tithi' calculations
are Vedic matter. Brahmins had publicised the ancient Indian mathematical
system as 'Vedic System' too, while there isn't any calculation of Purnima,
Amavasyan or of any mathematic knowledge in Vedas.
To surge the
thoughts and practice of civilized culture of humanistic moral values of
compassion, truth, non-violence etc, it is necessary to celebrate Ashoka
Jayanti independently. So that every citizen will recognize his peerless work
of compassion and forbearing for overall development of a Republic and
Democratic Nation. No king had the administrative system like that of Ashoka
Great. For example his directive, 'May be I sleeping, May be on horse, may be
eating, on war, any spy can come and meet me.' He constructed the hospitals not
only for the human beings but for the animals too. He is the first king on this
earth who opened hospital for animals and banned the animal killings. He
provided the wells for drinking water arrangements at a particular interval
along with planting of dense trees on both the sides of roads. He established
the realms of equality, justice, love,
fraternity in whole world without any war. We must spread this truth to people
by distributing the pamphlets mentioning these facts. So that the people on
this earth shall be acquainted with the true king and ruler. We need to invoke Indians
by telling them that, "Ashoka's wheel is on our National Flag, his emblem
of four lions is the National Emblem of this country, there is the influence of
his administrative system not only on the Constitution of India but on whole
world, then why we don't celebrate the birth anniversary of such Emperor of
oceanic compassion?" BLISS had
prepared such pamphlets. It is distributed in the programs of Hindus too.
His birth anniversary
shall be celebrated in the form of a Greatest King. It is humble request to the
citizens of Nation that they shall celebrate the Jayanti of Emperor Ashoka with
utmost fan fare, jubilance and thumping gaiety. A rally be taken out. Put out
the big cutouts of Samrat Ashoka. Rally should not have any religious, nor even
the Buddhist form. Even though Samrat Ashoka had embraced Buddhism but his work
was not limited to human beings but for the whole nature. Mission of Cleaning
of Ganga River was initiated by him only as been found in the stone
inscriptions. Only the Natioanal Flag shall be used in Rally and only the
patriotic songs shall be sung. Specially, participate in the rally in colorful,
and festive costumes. It shall be
projected as a National Festival. He shall be projected as the king of all the
religions instead of one. Buddhist shall abandon hatred of other religion and keeping aside the narrow minded thinking
of imposing Buddha and Babasahab on other people, shall work for overall
wellbeing by implementing action
programs with thoughtfulness and patience. It must be borne in mind that
Brahminical people plot the conspiracies to perpetrate atrocities on the Buddhists
to keep them separated from the other community people so the difference among
the Buddhists and other people be kept alive and the Buddha principle be kept
aside. Acknowledging this fact the Jayanti of Ashoka shall be celebrated by the
hands of the local political leaders, administrative heads irrespective their
caste and religion. All the people of area be indulged. Money shall be
collected from each and every person of area.
We must provide them the
information about Ashoka by meeting then in person. They shall be invoked to
participate non-discriminately. Rally shall be inaugurated by the hands of
District Magistrate, Tahsildars or Commissioners. It must be borne in mind that
the Ashoka Jaynti shall not be celebrated in a closed hall. It shall be celebrated by taking out the
Rally, otherwise shall not be celebrated at all. There has to horses, chariot,
elephants, lazim troop etc to make it grand. Babasahab has said he cannot make
the History, who don't know the History. Therefore, all the citizens shall be
made aware about the India's True History, and they shall be taken out the from
the clutches of brahminical system of mythology and fake history. And bring
them back into the healthy ambience of Equality, Fraternity, Freedom and
Justice. Only the followers of Babasahab have the capacity to execute this.
Therefore start the preparation for this National festival and buck up for
making aware of the History of Great Emperor Samrat Ashoka, from today itself.

Dr Param Anand,
National Convenor,
Bharat Leni Sanwardhan Samittee (BLISS)
Jai bhim
Jai samrat asoka!
सम्राट अशोक राजा बद्दल सत्य माहिती सांगणारा अतीशय सुंदर लेख.
ReplyDeleteMay I use these images to make a lesson on Ashoka?
ReplyDeleteThis article provides insight into the many unknown great facts about Emperor Asoka! Thankyou for your article Dr Param Anand ji.
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ReplyDelete## बुद्धा & अशोक एक ही सिक्के के दो पहलु है - बुद्धा के बारे में भविष्यावाणी थी कि या तो चक्रवर्ती सम्राट बनेंगे या महान तपस्वी - वह बने तपस्वी और भविष्यावाणी करी एक जया नामक बालक के बारे में कि यह एक धर्मप्रिया - न्यायप्रिय चक्रवर्ती सम्राट बनेगा - वह बालक बाद में अशोका के नाम से जन्म लेता है - चक्रवर्ती सम्राट वाला जीवन अशोक के हिस्से आया |
ReplyDeleteWonderful article...!!!
Can you plz remove the pic of Ashoka with his this image is destroyed and tried to make a fun of them by who don't like Buddhism..
Originally all those ladies are wearing the cloths at lower portion as well (see closely...)...and they are made nude intentionally...
It is just making a fun of them...
So rest of the religions duplicate the learnings from Buddhism..???
Why not support the Buddhism...the real one - original one...???
Not in support of duplicate religion(s).
Jai Samrat Ashoka Chakravarthi